Life raft inspection certificate of to be delivered to chief officer in triplicate. 救生筏检查证书一式三份交大副。
All the more reason to bill them and close the books. Invoices should be sent in triplicate, she adds. Send each invoice by snail mail, email, and with a phone message saying the invoice was sent. 她还补充道,发票要一式三份,分别通过邮寄信件、电子邮件和手机邮件(告知发票已寄送)形式发出。
4 combined detaild packing list and weight list in triplicate, mentioning contents in details of each package, the packages to be numbered numerically in serial order. 把细节条款和重量单一式三份,仔细注明集装箱中的每一个箱子,这些单子用连续性的数字注明。
Packing list in triplicate, indicating gross weight, net weight, length, height, width of each case and the total number of cases. 包装单一式三份,注明每箱的毛重、重、度、度、度及箱子总数。
Packing List in triplicate issued by beneficiary indicating quantity, gross and net weight of each package/ container. 受益人出具的装箱单一式三份,指出每一容器或集装箱的毛、净重。
In compliance with your request, we are sending you herewith our proforma invoice in triplicate. 按贵方要求,随函寄去形式发票,一式三份。
Enclosed is our Proforma Invoice in triplicate for Art. 随函附上货号的我公司形式发票一式三份。
Performance test report in triplicate issued by the Quality Inspection Department in the manufacturers 'companies. 生产厂家质量检验部门签发的质量检验性能测试报告一式三份。
Applications must be made out in triplicate. 申请书必须填写一式叁份。
Manually signed packing list in triplicate detailing the complete inner packing specifications and contents of each package. 手签装箱单一式三份,详注每件货物内部包装的规格和内容。
The agreement is made in triplicate, each of which shall be deemed equally authentic, and each party shall hold one copy. 本协议一式三份,甲乙丙三方各持一份,具有同等效力。
Reassays should be done in triplicate if sample volume allows. 如果样品量允许,复测应进行三次。
Note: Both staff of new setups and staff adjustment are requested to fill in this form in triplicate both in chinese and English, two each bear photos. 注:新设机构和增减变更人员均填此表,每人一式三份,其中两份贴照片。本表用中英文填写。
Isn't it customary to have invoices and bills of lading made out in triplicate? 在惯例上,不是都要填制三份发票和提单吗?
Note: This form is to be filled in triplicate by the application office both in Chinese and English. 注:本表由申报设立机构一方填写,一式三份,用中英文填写。
Note: The consignee on the Original and Duplicate Copies should be the same party as the foreign exporter as appeared in the Triplicate and Quadruplicate Copies of this Combined Form. 注:此合并表格正本及第一副本上的收货人,必须与第二副本及第三副本上的外地出口商相同。
Please fill in this exchange slip in triplicate. 请再兑换单上签名。
To enable us to apply for the import license required, we shall like you to airmail your program invoice in triplicate. 为方便本公司申请进口许可证,务请贵方以航空邮件寄来一式三份估价单。
We are enclosing our proforma invoice in triplicate to the effect that you may apply for the import licence. 随函附送我方形式发票一式三份,以便你方申请许可证。
We are pleased to send you here with our Performa Invoice No.12 in triplicate as requested. 兹寄上我方形式发票第12款,按贵方要求一式三份。
As requested, we are sending you our quotation sheet in triplicate and with you to place your order with us as soon as possible. 应贵方之请求,今寄上我方报价单一式三份,并望能尽快收到贵方定单。
We would like the invoice for this order sent in triplicate. 我们要这份订单的发票,寄三联来。